Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Q. How does it work?

Once a tag is set up, simply tap the tag or scan the QR code with a smartphone to produce a full pet profile with the owner’s contact information; it’s that simple!

Q. Do these tags need to be charged?

No. We use NFC technology so absolutely no batteries are required!

Q. What do I do if my pet gets lost?

Firstly, don’t panic. Our tag is designed to get your pet home quickly and safely. Start by taking a walk and/or drive around your neighbourhood with your window down so you can call their name. Make sure you have their favourite treats with you so if they are scared, you can help coax them and make them feel better. It’s also a good idea to contact your local vet(s) and the closest shelter to let them know.

Q. What is NFC?

It stands for Near Field Communication. It works by detecting and then enabling technology in close proximity to communicate. For example, if you hold a phone to one of our tags, the phone will detect it and then enable data to be communicated to it. In this case, the data is a pet profile pre-mapped to the tag.

Q. How secure is my information?

Boomerang tags are powered by Neuroe NFC. We fully encrypt every aspect of our applications and information, ensuring limited access and enhanced protection against data leaks or breaches. Additionally, we invest in the latest technology, including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms to ensure all of our data (and yours) are safe!

Q. Do you track me or share my personal information?

Absolutely not! Your security and privacy are paramount. For more information, please see under “How secure is my information?” above.

Q. Is the app free of charge?

No app download required and we have a lifetime free basic plan with all the information a basic tag would contain. There is also the option to upgrade to pro for a small annual fee.

Q. Is this a GPS tracker?

No. However, there is a 2-party enabled map location feature that is available under our pro subscription. A user has the option to enable this in their account and the finder then has the option to share their location to the user.

Q. Is there a monthly fee?

No. Our basic plan is free for life and you can choose to upgrade for a small annual fee.

Q. Are they waterproof?

Yes! As they are made from a silicone rubber substance, they are completely waterproof.

Q. Can you engrave the tag?

Sadly not. Our solution steers away from the traditional engraving methods as they tend to fade over time and we want to do better.

Q. Can we get them in any other shape?

At this stage, we only have our current range viewable on this website. If you have any ideas though, feel free to drop us a line and let us know!

Q. Can we get them in other colours?

Not yet; our basic range has blue, pink and black colour options.
Keep an eye out though as there may be other colours added in the future!
